CEATEC JAPAN 2014 10.7(Tue)- 10.11(sat)makuhari messe


CEATEC JAPAN 2014 Innovation Awards
"As Selected by U.S. Journalists”


Smart community

Mitsubishi Electric Corporation

Satellite program

Satellite program


Mitsubishi Electric Corporation

Mitsubishi Electric has an extensive history in space technology. Many consumers and even business people often view space technology as a science experiment divorced from their everyday life.
They couldn’t be further from the truth.
We gave Mitsubishi the Smart Community award for the strides it is making with technology that will have an impact on everyone. The Quasi Zenith Satellite System will eliminate a wobble with GPS services in Japan. By transmitting a correcting signal, the system will allow Japanese businesses and consumers to enjoy more accurate, seamless location services.
The first satellite launched in 2010 and three more will go into orbit in 2017. In all, seven satellites will be deployed.
Additionally, Mitsubishi provided information on the Advanced Land Observation Satellite that provides an extremely high level of resolution. The satellite launched in May and will be used in the future for disaster monitoring, environmental protection, resource exploration and monitoring of the health of forests and farmlands.
Michael Kanellos
Exhibit Information
Mitsubishi Electric Corporation
Booth Location2L43
  • Futuresource Consulting