Society 5.0 TOWN
– This exhibit area will focus on the theme of “A City in 2030”.
Through co-creation by a number of companies
focused primarily on the service industries, this
planned exhibit area will showcase “a city in 2030”.
Previously called the IoT Town, an exhibit zone
arranged by the organizers, has been renewed to
introduce for the first time a wide variety of new
features offered by service-industry leaders (in
urban function, commercial, and dwelling)
specifically related to transportation, city
infrastructure & disaster-prevention, distribution, sales, finance & retail, medical, entertainment,
lifelong learning & education, living & personal applications, etc.
First-time participants to CEATEC 2019 from the mobility, distribution, construction, and
electricity/gas industries will also propose ecommerce business solutions (B2B2C) that help
unify goods and services. A co-creation zone will additionally be set up to introduce goods and
services created through the use of collaborating technologies and know-how from diverse
businesses and industries.