Healthcare Innovation Weeks Asia-Japan 2018 collaboration session will hold at CEATEC

Healthcare Innovation Weeks Asia-Japan 2018

For 2 weeks from 9th to 19th October 2018, many healthcare events will be held in Japan.
The unified brand "Healthcare Innovation Weeks Asia-Japan 2018" was created for mutual cooperation among each relevant event and effective PR of those events.
By transmitting information intensively, we are aiming to promote the healthcare business investment in addition to gaining a large number of customers from home and abroad and making each of the events effective.

CEATEC JAPAN was chosen as one of the cooperative events. On 17th October at CEATEC JAPAN Innovation Talk Stage, the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry will review "1st Well Aging Society Summit Asia-Japan", the global matching event in healthcare field, and also introduce the current situations of Aging Innovation and Quality Digital Health in the world.


Aging Innovation and Quality Digital Health

  • 日程10/17(Wed.)
  • 時間15:30-16:30
  • 場所Innovation Talk Stage
Healthcare Innovation Weeks Asia-Japan 2018

Click here for details

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