HOOMANO is a French-based company, also located in Tokyo, created by Xavier BASSET and Cyril MAITREJEAN in 2014. Its goal is to allow everyone to communicate instinctively with technology.
On CEATEC 2018, HOOMANO will demonstrate how to OFFER CUSTOMERS THE MOST SUCCESSFUL USER EXPERIENCE with robots or interactive devices.
As a long-standing partner of Softbank Robotics, HOOMANO has been developing software for social robotics since 2014, by creating business solutions on Pepper and Nao. Meanwhile, the HOOMANO LAB is creating an endearing autonomous personality that all interactive machines will be able to use: service robots, smart-speakers, smart-displays, car user interfaces or interactive home appliances. Called the HOOMANO SOCIAL BRAIN, it is a technological innovation that promises natural behaviors between machines and humans. Several global manufacturers have already trusted HOOMANO to create such a personality for their machines.
About Hoomano
Demonstration of the social brain