Applications & software
Artificial Intelligence (AI)
Big data
Information and communications equipment, Mobile equipment, Wearables
VRs, ARs
Medical & Healthcare
Educational systems & services
We provide services, e.g development of application software, analysis of Kansei, from biological data like brain waves, eye tracking, heartbeat, etc , using artificial intelligence called ”Little AI Brain Platform.
Our company is Paas company that estimates human senses from kinds of vital sensing data.
We algorithmically analyze brain waves and biological data, so that we can visualize them through 67 categorized Kansei, for example, concentration, relax, satisfaction.
Based on that technique, from the point of Kansei, we develop new products and value of services.
We now have projects with a lot of companies, including automotive industry, beverage industry, medical and music companies.
Link brain waves and VR contents using” virtual reality experience of crash” of FUJITU institute.
Article about system of drowsiness detection and alarm using brain wave during driving.
Improving creativity project of McCann World group designed and developed by volunteer group OneJapan, many companies and our company.