Semiconductor Devices
Materials & Electronic Materials related
Meijo University has an almost 90-year history that can be traced back to the establishment of the Nagoya Science and Technology Course in 1926. As one of the largest universities in the Chubu region of central Japan, Meijo University is a comprehensive learning institution that supports a wide range of academic fields spanning the humanities and physical sciences. To foster the human resources of the next generation, the university continues to tackle ongoing challenges by further enhancing its campus and creating new faculties.
Meijo University brand building program by developing a novel optical devices
Meijo University brand building program by developing a novel optical device starting from blue LED
This project is creating a new optical devices that can bring a near future based on blue LEDs mainly by the research group of Nobel laureate Physics Prize winner Professor Akazaki.
We will pioneer the sublime research subjects and new application research areas leading to the next Nobel laureate in our university system.
We will publicize these results through website, symposium, simulation experiment, fresh program by student recruitment etc.
We will expand our brand that is staying in the Tokai region to nationwide.
Meijo University home page