Display Devices
Nippon Carbide Industries (NCI) was founded in 1935, and at that time was the pioneer in Japan in the acetylene induction business using carbide as a raw material. During its over 80 year history, NCI has reconstructed its operations several times, so that currently its core technologies deal with resin polymerizing, films/sheets, and sintering, based on which a wide variety of goods and services are provided.
In order to fulfill our management goal of becoming “a brilliant corporate group that makes its presence felt with products that dazzle our customers,” we in the NCI Group shall resolutely meet all the challenges that come our way as we proceed to the next stage of our growth, and shall strive to continue to play a valuable role in today’s society.
Nikkalite RF-A series
The special retro-reflective sheet for projecting the aerial image.
There are 4 types for each performance of retro-reflective performance.
· RF-Ax(Under Development)
· RF-Az(Reference exhibit)
Aerial Display
The aerial display using the RF-A series.
You are able to watch the aerial image projected by RF-A series.
M-Beamer is a brand-new interface to handle aerial images.
- Scalability
- Wide Viewing Angle
- Mass Production
- Cost-Effective
- Cleanness
〒108-8466 16-2,2Chome Konan, Minato-Ku, Tokyo
Business Development Department
〒108-8466 16-2,2Chome Konan, Minato-Ku, Tokyo
Business Development Department