
CEATEC Information

Yoshiharu Inaba, Chairman of FANUC
selected as Keynote Speaker for CEATEC 2019

August 19, 2019

The CEATEC Executive Board – consisting of the Japan Electronics and Information Technology Industries Association, the Communications and Information Network Association of Japan, and the Computer Software Association of Japan – has announced that CEATEC 2019 will feature a keynote speech given by Dr. Yoshiharu Inaba, Chairman of FANUC Corporation, on October 16th, the second day of the exhibition. Dr. Inaba is scheduled to talk under the theme Realization of the IoT evolution towards a smart factory - FIELD system. CEATEC 2019 is a comprehensive exhibition of Society 5.0, bringing together innovative CPS/IoT technologies from a wide range of businesses and industries. The exhibition will be held from October 15 (Tuesday) to 18 (Friday) at Makuhari Messe in Mihama-ku, Chiba-city.

CEATEC KEYNOTES that started in 2018, which garnered huge audiences, has been announced again with enhanced content. Dr. Inaba, who was one of those who attracted large crowds, will take the podium again this year.

In the event of selecting FANUC as one of the keynote speakers, Dr. Inaba commented, “I am happy to be here again at CEATEC to talk with you on smart factories of the future. In realizing Connected Industries, FANUC is unfolding FIELD system, which is an IoT open platform aiming to improve production and develop autonomous-decentralized production system by connecting all equipment in the manufacturing premises. During my presentation, I plan to show you measures we have taken and the future directions including actual applications at our factory. Please look forward to my presentation.”
Since succeeding in 1956, in the development of the first NC (numerical control) and servo machine in the private sector in Japan, FANUC has specialized in business activities focusing on the automatization and robotization in the manufacturing industry for over 60 years. Presently, FANUC has the world’s top shares in CNCs (computer numerical control) and industrial robots. Dr. Yoshiharu Inaba was born in 1948. Immediately after graduating from the Department of Mechanical Engineering, School of Engineering, Tokyo Institute of Technology, he joined Isuzu Motors, and worked on production engineering. In 1983, he joined FANUC Ltd. In 1999, he received a Doctor of Engineering Degree from the University of Tokyo for his research on electric servo injection molding machines. From 2003, he managed as the President and CEO of FANUC, and as the Chairman and CEO from 2016, and as Chairman from 2019. In addition, he has contributed to the development of the industry having served three terms as the Chairman of the Japan Robot Association, and for 14 years to the present as Vice Chairman of the Japan Machine Tool Builders’ Association.

The keynote speech is a part of CEATEC Keynotes, which is given by business leaders of various industries. Dr. Inaba’s keynote, which is a part of conferences, will be held at one of the convention halls in Makuhari Messe’s International Conference Hall from 16:30 (4:30PM) on Wednesday, October 16th. Conferences during CEATEC 2019 including other CEATEC Keynotes can be reserved online starting from August 1, 2019 at the CEATEC Official Website ( Details of other Keynotes and conferences will be announced in the future.


October 15 (Tue.)
13:00 – 13:45 Shinya Katanozaka, President & CEO of ANA HOLDINGS INC.
14:45 – 15:30 Hiromi Tagawa, Chairperson of the Board, JTB Corporation
16:30 – 17:15 Ichiro Kawanabe, President & CEO, JapanTaxi Co., Ltd.

October 16 (Wed.)
13:00 – 13:45 Yoichi Ochiai, Associate Professor, University of Tsukuba/CEO, Pixie Dust Technologies, Inc.
14:45 – 15:30 Ko Ishiyama, President, ExaWizards Inc.
16:30 – 17:15 Yoshiharu Inaba, Chairman, FANUC Corp.

Note: Rest of the keynotes will be announced shortly.

CONFERENCE Reservation